Mt. Kenya National Park
Climbing to 5,199 meters, Mount Kenya is the second tallest mountain in Africa. The scenery surrounding this designated World Heritage Site is breath-taking. It is pristine wilderness with lakes, tarns, glaciers, dense forest, mineral springs and a selection of rare and endangered species of animals, high altitude adapted plains game and unique montane and alpine vegetation. Visitors can enjoy mountain climbing, camping and caving with the mountain’s rugged glacier-clad peaks providing the perfect backdrop.
- Include Elephants, tree hyrax, white tailed mongoose, suni, black fronted duiker, mole rat, bushbucks, water buck and Elands. Animals rarely seen include leopard, bongo, giant forest hog .
- Over 130 bird species have been recorded.
Important Information for Visitors
- All visitors should enter the park with a qualified and certified guide. Guides and potters have identification cards issued by the park management.
- Disposable plastic water bottles are not allowed in the park.
- Guides and potters are not allowed to carry luggage that exceed 25KG. Weighing of luggage will be done at the gate on entry.
- All visitors are required to check in and out of the park, this is done by recording personal information in the entry and exit books.
Mountain Climbing, Camping, Game Viewing Drives, Scenic Views, Cave Exploration
KWS Self Catering
Batian Guest House
Sirimon Cottage
Kinondoni Campsite
Road Head
Mintos Hut & Campsite
Narumoru Gate Campsite
Met Station Campsite
Mackinders Campsite
Austrian Hut Campsite
Sirimon Gate Campsite
Judmaier Campsite
Shipton Campsite
Liki North Hut 7 Campsite
Solo Campsite
Major Campsite